Creating Meaning

 23rd September 

LO: to analyse texts using the correct terminology

 -Subject Position

Our subject position is everything that goes to make up what we are and where we fit in the world 

My subject position: student, im a geek for chickens

magazine cover 

1. I think she is being confident and body positive and helping other people to come out of their comfort shell, also i think that because she is such a popular singer people have respect for her and how AMAZING she dresses 

2. e.g i dont think vogue should of hired such a big person, also why is she wearing such a tight fitted dress, i am surprised it actually fits her. HONESTLY!

Denotation- the dictionary definition e.g a rose

Connotation- the deeper meaning what we associate with the word e.g. love, passion, romance , death, duality.

1. Gun- danger,death,noise,murder,blood,cop

2. clown- danger,scary,bunny,colours,spooky

3. thor

hammer- strong,violent,danger,weapon,powerful

red cape- serious,danger,angry,scary,highly


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