18th October Genre and narrative genre is the term for any category of literature or entertainment, based on a set of common conventions protagonist- the main character/hero antagonist- villain sidekick- helps the hero/ main character science friction- New technology, the future, time travel, space travel, space ships- e.g. star trek the Martian horror- scar the audience, frightening, blood, jump scare, death, gory- e.g. it, the nun action- thrilling, exciting, fun, hair raising, stunts- e.g. venom, mission impossible musical- singing, dancing, loud, colour, lights- e.g. hairspray, Greece comedy- fun, humorous, cheerful, light, exaggerating the script, upbeat- e.g. free guy, spy, Paul documentary- interesting, real, factious- David ataman animation- big mouth, arther, south park, the amazing world of gumball! bobs burgers, ANIMATION FANTISY- Movie name whispers of the ...
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