
 3rd March               What is News?

lo- to explore the concept and format of news 

different types of news

  • war- troops in Russia take control of key Ukrainian city 
  • climate- cut fossil fuels to lower gas bills
  • business- energy bills could reach £3,000 as oil prices soar 
  • tech- Netflix pauses future projects in Russia 
  • UK- not too late for Putin to withdraw defence secretary 
  • world- desperation in Mariupol as supplies run out 
  • politics- UK satellite firm suspends use of Russian rockets 
  • health- support needed for GPs to treat eating disorders 
  • entertainment & arts- women wants apology for mum after forced adoption 
  • family & education- EA removes Russian teams from Fifa 22 game 
  • science- unite against climate change 
  • gossip - kim Kardashian declared single 
fake news - false information used to shape you views opinions or ideas. Often exaggerated and heavily biased, it is often intentionally misleading 
fake news examples
  1. the death of Queen Elizabeth ll
  2. a group of nuns running with rifles but arnt members of the club  
  3. hillary clinton adopts alien baby 
  4. Britain threatens to invade Switzerland over the Toblerone shape 
  5. Bill Clinton is having sex with Megan Kelly 
i think people write fake news to gain more money because the more views the more money, also people will do anything for a little nit of attention which therefore concludes the fact that people will belive anything you tell them you just have to sound convincing 
if you spot fake news you can go onto big well known sites like the BBC. People are more likely to belive a well known trusted site , but you could also just search it up to double check. 
my own fake news story 


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