lights camera action.

 22nd November        Setting and Colour 

lo: to explore the use of setting and colour in films 

pan- stationary turn

tilt- stationary upwards 


1. a isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film-a director would choose this spot because it would be more creepy for the setting and horror films usually end up with people running though a place shouting for help.

2. a big city for a action film which helps a director because it has crowds of people which they can use for robbing sense. Also if they are in the city there are more obstacles for people to watch out for 

3. a small sea side town for a romantic comedy, because by the sea can usually conclude happiness songs and beautiful views. Also if it is near the sea it gives the director more sense that are romantic in a boat 

4. a range of different countries for an action adventure film would give the director more sense to shoot and having a movie that is around the world it gives people excitement and different views for car chases and unexplored places in maybe a rainforest 

5. a modern science laboratory for a science-fiction film its in the name really because it concludes science which helps show that the film will be realistic if its in a modern lab 


1. blue and red for a new superhero costume because it is classic colours for a superhero e.g. spiderman, superman. 

2. a black suit for a villain because people usually associated  with darkness and if people were to assume this it would mean that there inistule thinking would be that they are the bad guy 

3. bright colours for a comedy film would make sense because colours like yellow can be associated with bright happy things, which therefore can make people think it will be a uplifting comedy film 

setting and colour 

  • most of the action takes place like an adventure action film because it is shown in alternate universes, also they have collided other marvel movies into the trailer to cooperate that marvel movies have collided together. 
  • i think that the story has taken place in all the different places again to conclude that marvel are going to make this movie to include everyone and to hint that this would be the only movie that would include all the films 
  • the setting changes fast and quick changes to get fans excited for the film to come out again because it shows that they are colliding all the films main characters together 
  • the setting changes the charters mood because like black panther he was leader and you could see how facial expressions change and colours of brightness and darkness change 
  • You could tell where the story was taking place because you could see the colours of the surroundings and the landscapes changing which led us to think that they were in a certain destination 
  • i can tell where the story was taking place because seeing the marvel films it gives you a sense of which film they have grabbed the landscape from which means that we can tell where they are 
  • there can be clues to tell us whether its in the past or present, because some clips have been taking from the movie for the character. 
  • i think that certain colours where used because using blue an red gives us the classical colours that everyone knows and like iron man has always been red therefore that is what he is know for because it would stand out in the crowd 
genre- type of film e.g. comedy
narrative- story 
i am legend 
the genre looks like action we can suggest this because he has got a gun 
narrative looks like a adventure and he is on a mission 
characters is will smith 
28 days later 
the genre looks like science fiction we can suggest this because there is a nuclear symbol 
narrative looks like there has been a virus because there is 1 lonely person walking the streets 
character is ?
indian jones 
the genre is action and adventure we can suggest this because it has got bright colours and jungle leaves which suggests that there is going to be a adventure 
the narrative looks like again there is going to be an adventure and it will be a quick reaction film 
character looks like he is a adventure someone that finds hidden things in exotic places 

science place description

i think the setting will be in a science room based a bit like venom where there are humans in a pod and bodies on the floor then the military enters and shouts everyone on the ground therefore he is then sacked. Then the humans will be going to the hospital being rushed away but because it is a different virus that they die so others start to catch it and then the scientist have to find a cure within 24 hours. The colours would be red to associate with death and blood which would mean science fiction, there would also mean darker colours to mean that the film would be real and in the future would be chaos because of climate change therefore there would be darker colours 

6th December     photoshoot

lo to explore different styles of photography

reflection- phoebe
looking up and down- molly 
ground level- phoebe 
patterns in nature- amber
ambers got the pictures 
17th January        sound and film

lo- to explore the use of sound in films 


1. horror films would have tormenting music, and sound that would give you a shiver in your spine, maybe someone screaming or a ax hitting the floor 

2. in an action film you would hear exciting pop sounds maybe gunshots and cars driving 

3. in a thriller you would hear many screams or bombs exploding things that give you a thrill

4.comedy films you would hear maybe an audience laughing like in friends or you would see other actors laughing at the respond of a line 

5. science fiction films would hear aliens or things coming to life, like in venom when the antidop crawls across the floor, computer noises because its in the future

Diegetic- sounds you would hear if you were in the sense, the character can hear gunshots or punches 

Non- diegetic- sounds that only the audience can hear, the music that builds tension or the narrator 

The Matrix


  • dialoge 
  • hearing things drop to the floor 
  • fighting sounds
  • gunshot
  • scream
  • glass shatter  

non diegetic

  • background music 
  • drums 
  • sound of the wind ( it was empathised)
foley- the reproduction of everyday sounds for use of filmmaking
  • most of them are added after filming  
  • they can be anything from a door squeaking to a breaking glass
  • without crucial background noise it feels unnatural and awkward 
foley is basically all the tiny details that are placed after the film has been complete, without it you would probably hear the wind in the background and noises that wouldn't fit within the movie

With an animation all the sounds have to be added 
  • the door closing 
  • the sound of the game playing
  • blinds going up
  • phone ringing 
  • the dog dropping 
  • the dog barking 
  • the ball tapping his foot 
  • the dog falling over 
  • the rustle of the box
  • the sound of footsteps
  • the move of the carpet
  • clanging of crutches
to make alien noises in an animation or a sci-fi film they record other sound affects,a chemical sounds and effects to create a new sound, they are usually created by other sounds 
  1. there is music in the trailer
  2. the music is uneasy and spooky
  3. when someone says a line or something is shown, then it goes loud 
  4. a fight sene or a picture of another universes when the music changes 
  5. you probably couldn't tell what was going on if there was no music but you can see that the music is eery 
  6. there are some seconds of silence but only to give some suspense 
  7. some character speak seriously and like they have got important news to share 
  8. if i put some speakers in there i would have them be very loud and they would say something like theres only 24 hours left maybe?
  9. you ca  hear sound tracks in the background music 
  10. some sounds have been added louder to give suspense to the scene that is about to play it makes it so you are off you seat just waiting for the next line or background, the sounds are the drums which give the scene a little bit of spice before it next plays
if i had to choose music for a futuristic film i would choose drumming music and dark/deep music because it would be suspending and hair raising music to complete the scene. Using music that is interesting and powerful helps conclude the scene that you want the audience to feel, if you don't want the audience to be surprised or scared then you shouldn't be choosing a comedy music. Therefore the music you choose can decide the feel of the trailer and the sort of movie you want to betray 

31st January      mise-en-scene

lo- to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films 

mise-en-scene is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame, visual information in front of the camera 

mes communicates essential information to the audience, it sends signals to the audience about how we are supposed to feel or about the character  

mise-en-secne is made up from 5 areas 

setting & props 

sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent on an existing set. Settings can manipulate an audience into building certain expectations and then taking a different turn 

  • in a science fiction film would have advanced technology, set in space, new weapons 
  • in a romantic comedy there would be in a quirky town or big city, roses,camera , engagement  rings 
  • in a horror film there would be abandoned houses, weapons, axes

costume, hair & make up 

costume makeup and hair can immediately give us an indicator to what their personality is, certain costumes can fit into certain stereotypes 

  • character 1- by the way he is wearing a cowboy hat could suggest he is adventurers and out going. It can also state that he is wearing a strap suggest that he carries around a bag maybe filled with maps from an adventure 
  • character 2- because she is wearing pink it shows that she is a loud character that want to be seen showing that she is in bright pink shopping in a mall. It can also show that her t-shirt means that she has a status and is a popular main character 
  • character 3- the way that he is dressed could show that he is homeless and doesn't care for his appearance and maybe someone in a horror film. It also shows that he could there well be dangerous and a bit of a menus and could do harm to others 

facial expressions & body language 

facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling, if someone is smiling we would assume that they are happy but if there was horror music we might think something different. Body language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character 

  • first picture- the way that they all have straight faces and are staring soullessly towards each other, they look like there in silence and don't look very happy 
  • second picture- it looks there going to get into a fight the way their chest is out. They look like they want to be fearless and be frightened of. Also the way they are looking down could show that someone they have beaten is on the floor and they are standing over them 

lighting &colour 

lightning and colour can be used to achieve a variety of effects to highlight important characters or objects within the frame. To make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face and body. To reflect a character mentally state emotions oh no 

low key lighting

  • produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas 
  • deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed 
high key lighting 
  • lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes 
  • produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day 
the lighting of the scene looks like he is in a dark mental state, this is shown because it is in a dark place with dark colours that have been added. Also you can see that he is on a phone call which could suggest he has received bad news and therefore his mental state is dark and hard 

positioning of character/objects within the frame (blocking)

positioning within a frame can draw our attention to an important character/objects. A film maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people 

  • first picture- the way that they are spaced apart suggest that they are in a fight of some sort or arnt very close. The way they are spread out on the couch shows that they are not a happy couple they are having problems 
  • second picture- the way that the 2 men are stood close together states that they are partners and work well together, because they are close and willing to work together 
14th February      
lo- to experiment with foley and sound effects 

task from last lesson 
in this picture we can see by the props that their is an elegant golden chair which then we could suggest that the setting they are in is expensive and fancy. It can also show us by the weapons that soldiers are holding could suggest that it is based in an old event and is a old fashioned movie. By the setting they are in it suggest that they are on a wealthier side and are better of than others in this movie, by the costumes they are in it can be suggested by the way the 2 men are dressed in a dress code and are used to being dressed like that. We can make the point that the man in the middle is on the scruffier side and doesn't exactly has a dress code. The fact that the lighting is darker in places draws the attention of the audience to the main people in the scene which leads us to believe that the man in the middle is the main character. They way that the people in the scene are positioned can suggest that the 2 men who are nicer dress can mean that he is being arrested, or being told of by someone who is obviously in a lot of power by the way the walls are stood to attention, and it shows that they are better than the man in the picture. 
get creative
the setting that would be created would have top be neon colours bold and very white and bright if this happens then it makes the audience believe that, they are in the future and creates an orbit around them. The props that would have to be included would be microscopes and science practical things this again tricks the audience into thinking that they are in another world. Their facial expressions would big and bold to focus our attention onto their facial expressions, obviously as i have touched upon the lighting and colour would be bright but then would have to be dark in some places. In the places that it would be dark they would include the background but beams of light breaking through, this means that the camera would be focusing in their eye line of the 2 scientist to conclude the fact that the alien is the main point and the main reason for the film. 
video clip                                                                                                                                                    
  • brushing teeth
  • spitting
  • sighing
  • draw oping
  • tapping glass
  • buttering bread
  • footsteps 
  • clicking on controller 
  • flushing toilet
  • closing mirror
  • oping fridge 
  • zipping up trousers
  • fridge closing 
  • speech
task plan
  • door opening- the door 
  • rain drops- nails/pencils/plastic wrapper  
  • footsteps
  • different footsteps- feet 
  • breathing quickened- feet
  • wind- plastic bottle

7th March                      disaster movies 
lo- to explore the disaster movie genre 

  • apollo 13 
  • twister 1996
  • independence day
  • titanic
  • deep impact 
  • armageddon 
  • piranha 
  • contagion 
  • the impossible
  • world war z
  • gravity
  • white house down
  • Godzilla 
summary of tianitc
titanic is an epic love story and is action packed, it is based on a true event which has happened which carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the earlt hours of April 15th.
  1. in this film there are 2 main characters in love who happen to be male and female 
  2. in this movie the male saves his true love so technically he does save a 'member of his family' 
  3. disaster film genre is accident but also a epic romance 
  4. after the ship has sunk rose survives so basically the story goes on because she survived 
  5. the film involves travel because they are traveling in a boat to the atlantic  
  6. this based on a true story 
summary of piranha
Spring break turns gory when an underground tremor releases hundreds of prehistoric, carnivorous fish into Lake Victoria, a popular waterside resort. Local cop Julie Forester must join forces with a band of unlikely strangers though they are badly outnumbered, to destroy the ravenous creatures before everyone becomes fish food.
  1. the main character is a female 
  2. she saves the people but they are all strangers to her 
  3. it is a horror and a natural disaster because it involves fish 
  4. in the end the disaster is overcome 
  5. it doesn't involve travel because they stay at the lake 
  6. it is based on a true story 
summary of godzilla 
Ford Brody, a Navy bomb expert, has just reunited with his family in San Francisco when he is forced to go to Japan to help his estranged father, Joe. Soon, both men are swept up in an escalating crisis when Godzilla, King of the Monsters, arises from the sea to combat malevolent adversaries that threaten the survival of humanity. The creatures leave colossal destruction in their wake, as they make their way toward their final battleground: San Francisco.
  1. the main character is a sea monster 
  2. he tends to destroy the city he is in 
  3. natural disaster because it includes a nuclear incident 
  4. in the end he lets sea monster be free and the city becomes safe once again 
  5. they go into magical anti gravity portal and godzilla travels into San Franciso 
  6. this film is based on a true story it is just adjusted 
creative task-
  1. the main character is female who is an alien who had a very difficult childhood while she was separated dog who is EVIL. Her only job is to hunt down her planet killer dog who killed her family all because of the gravey biscuits. 
  2. the disaster is a universal disaster which also concludes a dog attack instead of an alien attack, which also means that this film is an action/ adventure/ disaster 
  3. my 3 other characters are a dog ,her spaceship and her family in the start of the movie but we know that the dog killed her family. The relationship of the dog is her villain that she has to destroy, and her spaceship is her best friend because she has trouble to trust humans after what happened with her dog. Also her family in the first half but the dog kills them and so the chase begins to find the dog before he blows up any more planets 
  4. The family is the chosen one which concludes her mother, father, and here big sister, but when the dog turns savey then that is when she turns and becomes a killer ninja trying to track him down. They die before the dog because of the wrong type of biscuits  
  5. when the female lead finds her dog there will be an epic fight scene which will include bright cool colours because she has chased him all around the other planets, there will also be cool fights because obviously it is a dog which will conclude some high technology because the dog needs a power suit 
  6. in the end it turns out that the dog was a robot and he had a switch which made him turn this will conclude to the facts that she saves him because in the end that is all she has. It will also mean that the ending is happy because that is how the story ends 
  7. in the closing scene the main female character finds a planet for them to live on but they have got to clean up the mess they have made by chasing each other around the galaxy, this will mean that the end will mean that they both live but at what cost 
possible titles 
  • gravey biscuits 
  • option to kill
  • and then there was 2 

21st March           LCA
lo- to effectively develop on an idea for a disaster movie 
sky fire-
  1. the main characters is a man, woman, small child.
  2. the setting is in a rainforest by the looks of it including the fact that its colours are green set and higher technology by the weapons that are being used 
  3. there actions are very heroic seen by the fact of the car chases and shooting and by their colours they have chosen to highlight key points 
  4. there props are very interesting by the fact it is set now days because you can see the different cars and weaponry they have chosen to represent in this film
  5. their colour palette is very red and green as shown when they are in the rainforest and the explosions, with the blood running down their faces 
  6. the narrative is abit up and down as they are using the effect that they cut to black and then cut to scene giving the trailer more tension, which can foreshadow the fact that there is going to be fighting 

  1. characters include someone important by the looks of it and secretary 
  2. the setting is trapped in elevator while the planes are launching themselves into the building 
  3. their actions are swift and important trying to save the people
  4. their props arnt very eye-catching
  5. their colour scheme is pretty grey trying to focus people onto the main disaster and not making people involved in the character instead in the actual disaster 
  6. about  true event which happened and changed people lives forever 
the tunnel 
  1. the character was a man and a woman
  2. the setting was in a tunnel because that is were the story began and im assuming were it ends 
  3. they are trapped in a tunnel and need to be rescue or they will die, in their actions there was explosions, helicopters flying around trying to get them to safety
  4. the vehicles were really important for the props to make sure people knew what the movie was really about 
  5. their colours were really dull and dark because it had to fit the setting of the film 
  6. the narrative was pretty much that the male had rescue his family 
the impossible 
  1. the characters in a family of 4 enjoying a holiday
  2. the setting is near the beach which look luxurious until sunny until everything is ruined 
  3. their actions are very quick motions because the position they are in means that they've got to be in a pressured situation, which is the fear of searching for your family 
  4. their props are basically debre which is very important because it means that you know whats going to happen 
  5. their colours are mainly grey agin because the sky just changes as the tsunami hits them
  6. the narrative is basically about how a tsunami hit Thailand and therefore they had reunite with their family because of the tragic thing that happened 
ad astra 
  1. a main man and he team really was a character 
  2. their setting is set in space for a part which gives a very spooky feeling as we know nothing about space as it is 
  3. their actions are swift and quick which shows that they have got to be on their toes at all times to be able to save the world from extinction 
  4. their props include of space gear which is futuristic which makes it new and fresh for us as many know nothing about space 
  5. their colours are mainly blue and white to show abit of futuristic in the film which shows the audience that the film is dramatic and interesting 
  6. the narrative is about someone having to save the world which means that it brings us tension and a threat on us  
my movie idea 2
  1. the main character is female who is an human who cares very much about the world as she is a geographer who plans to restore a rainforest 
  2. the disaster is about how the rainforest that she has to maintain catches on fire and starts to kill animals and plants that are vital to the earth, while she is searching the blaze a parrot sits on her shoulder 
  3. She then knows that she has to do something but no one can enter because it is on a tribes land and they are prepared to kill anyone that crosses the border 
  4. The colours will clearly be red to represent the danger she put to wildlife and the danger she has put the planet in as she has let all the natural gas out into the atmosphere 
  5.  she then manages to come to an agreement with the tribe but before this happens their is an epic fight scene causing lots of blood and dark dangerous colours 
  6. in the end everyone is then fine as the fire can finally be put out
  7. in the closing scene their is a budgie which flys down ton her should and it ends with a smile and the bright sun gleaming onto her face
  8. the message behind my film is that animals are everything which means you have got to be delicate and respectful with animals 
  9. there has got to be special effects in my film because there is animals and bright colours which means CGI is needed as animals are flying around and it can then be more realistic  
movie name- battling the blaze  

4th April                     Narrative Theory 
lo- to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 


Media homework

6 conventions that a disaster movie has 
  1. a disaster big scale
  2. explosions
  3. screaming
  4. running
  5. death
  6. fixed ending 

  • the film i have chosen is about a geographer who loves to explore, but she wants to go to the amazon rainforest as that is where all wild life and extravagant birds live.
  • as she arrives it is shown all bright beautiful colours meaning that like every disaster movie it is seen as 'normal'. 
  • but then by the film poster i have created it shows how the colours go up in a flame and result in the rainforest being burnt, now this is a disaster itself by pollution and deforestation.
  • the setting i want to create is to show colourful colours but then obviously it turns to voilent reds connotating death and danger, as the film turns. Therefore the picture being glasses as it is shown in 2 ways as in the first half it is sunny and bright but in the second half it shows shows the sky wasn't clear and the music will change dramatic.
  • but ultimately i am searching for a setting full of animals and bright sunny happy colours until the fire starts and then it turns colourless and dangerous. 
  • as she will arrive it will be a zoom out to see the classic amazon river were we can see the meander that has formed. This is a common picture many know of meaning it would be more recognisable. As it is set in 2001 it would of been seen technology was very plain and new as all they would have is maps. making this expedition more intriguing as it is unknown to others
  • this means the ships they would explore in would be wooden and not advance and be pretty basic and simple, that would give of the vibe of the amazon because in England you don't see any wooden boats anymore it more advanced in technology 
Todorov Theory 
Equilibrium- everything in the film is normal (not necessarily good but is normal) e.g. a family sat at a dinner table 
Disruption- something happens usually caused by the films main character which will disrupt their 'normal life' e.g. a tornado hits them 
recognition of disruption- the protagonist realises that something is wrong in their world or discovers the disruption e.g. they realise it is coming over to them
Attempt to solve- the main protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption e.g. they are able to find a way to clean up the mess
New equilibrium- the disruption is solved and a new normality occurs, things will never be the same but their is  a new 'normal life' created e.g. they are at their house but one family member has died

Apply Todorovs theory to 'battling the blaze'
Equilibrium- the main character lives a normal life in England and is a geographer therefore she wants to explore the world and therefore goes to the amazon 
disruption- she arrives at the rainforest as it is on fire meaning that she has to get the blaze out. But there are basically 2 disaster because it is on the land where the tribe lives and she has to get to an agreement to let the flame out  
Recognition of disruption- the tribe realises that it will effect their land and it will pollute what left of the world meaning that something had to be done 
attempt to solve- she then manages to come to an agreement and then is able to get the fire out meaning that she is able to make sure the animals and plants are ok
new equilibrium- she realises that she love the rainforest so much she decides to stay there and be with the wildlife and animals

Applying Propps theory to 'battling the blaze'
the hero- the geographer woman who goes to visit the rainforest 
the villain- at the start the tribe is the villain as they dont allow them to take the fire out because its on their land 
the donor- as she is sitting in the grass with the calming wildlife it gives her the realisation to make a point to show the tribe what will happen 
the helper- this movie has a parrot that works alone side her as she arrives in the forest 
the princess- that is basically the rainforest as thats what she wants to be safe because she cares so much for the environment 
the dispatcher- this would be the tribe as they work together in the end 
the princesses father- this would be the tribe because they are like the rainforest 'father'
the false hero- there wouldn't be one for this movie as she works alone 

16th May                    Script writing and storyboarding 
lo- to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 
the teaser  
'all was clear until the fire was near' geographer George is searching around the world for some fresh new things to see and hear. Going out on this journey allows her to arrive at new destinations and be able to be a female who can prove herself. She arrives at the amazon rainforest desperate to find something new, a flower maybe , a feeling maybe, but the thing she is least expecting is a-. Watching this movie presents you with colour,animals and excitement. 

George the geographer ( Mindy Kaling) is on a mission to prove herself to the world, by doing so she wants to be able to do something she loves which is finding things in the world and seeing animals. Her idea of a good adventure is to see bright colours although shell know soon enough that is not what her plan in tales. George wants to be able to explore and battle the people that have always been looking down at her. Watch George try to adventure around in the amazon in a old boat. Will she make it? What will she find? That is for you to find out, watch this movie now to be able to find a glow in this movie to liven up your day and maybe just maybe see see the rainforest in a whole..

1. im hungry- there could be a zoom into the belly and it would make a gurgling noise 

2. I've lost the cat- panic on their face showing a hand on your head 

3. im late for school- someone in bed and then looking at a clock realising how late it actually is 

4. im so tired- dark circles around they eyes drifting into sleep/very long blinks 

5. im really annoyed with her- bigs sighs and glares across the room to that certain person 

scene- finding the fire 
the setting is in the rainforest surrounding by the colours of the flowers and animals 
which sets the tone for a happy scene thinking that everything is ok George is standing their with a local as she has just gone on a walk to see the sights as she runs into a LOCAL

(happily) is it always sunny out here?
*start walking down the river together*
( starts to get a concerned look on his face)
can you smell anything (looking up into the air)
Is everything ok ( looking concerned)

the fire starts to become clearer that there is something burning 

 is that smoke?

6th June                            Industry
lo- to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles 

20th June                     Movie Marketing 
lo- to develop an effective film marketing strategy 
starter- things needed to promote a film 
trailer, release dates, movie poster, bloopers, media platforms, happy meals, merchandise

turning red task1
promoting turning red 
turing reds digital marketing ( social platforms- instagram)

fan art 

trailers again to promote the movie to get as much money as possible 

merch for younger people which is what the movie is aimed at 

1. you normally see film posters- on busses, in bus stops, on social media, cinemas outside, on tv adverts 
2. they are trying to achieve as much money as possible, because the more they see the poster the more people are bound to see it meaning that the movie gets more attention from people making the producers more and more money 
3. actor names, release date, main image, good reviews, title of film, billing block, background image 

all of these disaster movies have in common- 
  1. all about natural disasters 
  2. all have a very intense background 
  3. intense facial expressions presenting a sort of foreshadow to the genre 
  4. all are high budget movies 
  5. most posters are using blocky fonts and bold to maybe empathise the danger of the movie and maybe a strong movie 
  6. very blue palette being used, suggesting that natural disasters are usually to do with the ocean 
  7. dramatic image being used 
  8. all tag lines are at the end 
  9. men are the heros 
ice age 

From just this poster we can suggest that the movie is going to involve ice, as it is the title and the raft that the characters are on. we can also suggest that the disaster that has happened is extinction As there is a mammoth on the front cover but as we know they are long gone extinction, meaning that the narrative can be guessed as there are many clues just seen on this poster. By seeing an death flag on their raf it also again points to the obvious of death
The way the font has been used in this poster suggests that it is aimed at the younger audience as a way to make learning about the earth fun in a way. The blocky uneven font used shows that the producers are trying to make more money by making more merch and happy meals using this movie.
The colour palette used is very blue which is also shown in other disaster movies which can connotate how the situation is serious yet it is in a childish state, to oppose appealing to the younger audience. The vibrant blue chosen also shows how it would again appeal to people while walking beside it, as the vibrant colours the more attractive it is to the audience
There main image as we can see is cartoon characters meaning that it is again aimed at a younger audience. It also suggests that the movie is going to be used to help younger children understand how the movie goes by making it more appealing to the younger audience by helping them follow the plot better by making it a much more funner movie to the younger audience.
The movie was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature, seven Annie Awards and numerous other awards. But won a selective amount of awards again making it more appleaing for the audience and more likely to make more money if reviews and awards are won over by the public 
Helpfully the studio that produced this movie was 20th Century Studios, meaning that it was able to have a big budget and be produced by a well known studio making more money as the cinemas weren't reluctant to help publish this movie as the studio is well known all around the world 


  1. 21/3- Excellent ideas here, well done. T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  2. 16/5- 2. Try to add this to a storyboard format so that you can explore the camera shots used for the scene.


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