lego movie

 8th September

lo- to understand the narrative and story of the lego movie 


Warner Bros characters, products or films 

  • red lego brick
  • merchandise releases after the movie including lego sets and plastic characters 
  • Lord business is voice overed by Will Ferrell and he is the only actor in the film that is shown as a human rather than an lego person 
  • batman is shown in the film who is in lego foreshadowing the events of the batman movie superman and green lantern are also seen in the batman movie star wars appears in the film which could promote star wars

    any lego products  
  • lego game is presenting in when someone builds an object which is also what you do in the game
  • the books looks like lego instructions that arrive in lego packets 
  • the builders build from lego instruction to make houses etc
  • in lego games you have to find and collect the parts just like wyldstyle in the movie presents 

  • batman
  • super woman
  • super man 
  • green lantern
  • Gandalf
  • ningargo
  • DC heroes 
  • Dumbledore
  • Shakespeare
The story of this movie is about a lego person( Emet) who lives in a world that is controlled and everything is done by the instructions ran by Lord Business after he finds something that makes his the special- the piece of resistance 
Shortly after another lego person realise that he is the special ( Wyldstyle) and she is a master builder meaning that she doesn't use the instructions and rebels against Lord Business 
After that he has to figure out how to become a master builder with the help of Vitruvius who is like the leader of master builders, after they find him Lord Business realise that Emet has what he needs the lid for the superglue basically, so the 3 of them have to go and hide out in a location only known by master builders 
Lord Business finds out the place master builders are and most of them become locked up in his tower stuck in electrical chair 
Emet has to secure a plan to save everyone but his group which includes a prate, Benny, Unikitty, Wyldstyle, Batman, and Vitruvius all end up being captured 
Emet is stuck in a chair waiting for the the master builders to get an electric shock but he stops it by Falling down the magic tower
We enter the real world once Emet falls down and so we see the real world then he arrives back and convinces lord business to be nice and the world is safe agin

Message- the message is that you dont have to be like everyone else and you can wear your own style and do your own things 
Themes- teamwork, creativity, believe in yourself, friendships, everyone is special in their own way, individuality
  • Chris Pratt- Emet
  • Chris Pratt- Emet
  • Will Arnett- Batman
  • Will Ferrell- President Business
  • Elizabeth Banks- Lucy
  • Morgan Freeman- Vitruvius 
  • Alison Brie- Unikitty
  • Charlie Day- Benny
15th September                             Industry Research 
LO- to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

1. in the film industry 
Production is - also known as principal photography, its when shooting begins 
Distribution- the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience 
Exhibition- refers to public screening of a film and involves the ownership, management, and running of movie theatres.
2. Media conglomerate- a company that is made up from lots of different companies 
3. The film industry in the UK is regulated by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification.)
4. The Lego movie is a PG 
5. The bsc regulates video games in the uk
6. The age rating for The Lego movie game was 4 above 
7. Lin Pictures were the primary production company on The Lego Movie and Warner Bros. acted as the distributors.
8. Dan Lyne the lego movie 
9. TT Fusion- owned by WB produced The Lego movie game 
10. Warner Bros. Pictures distributed the lego movie
11. The Advertising Standards Authority regulates and advertises the content in the UK 
22nd September                Industry Research
LO- to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

Regulation- do 1 of these 2 things 
  • Regulators classify products ( normally by age rating )
  • Ensure content of products meet acceptable standards
The BBFC gave the lego movie and age rating of a U meaning that it is for 4 years and above to be able to view this movie, this was due to- mild fantasy violence, very mild bad language 

The VSC  gave the game a 7+ due to the game having - non realistic violence in a child friendly setting or context and violence that lacks any apparent harm or injury to fantasy or mythical beings and creatures 

3. The BBFC used to be called the British Board of Film Censors, Why do you think they changed its name- because the organisation realised that they do more than censorship and have greater responsibility rather than just censor the films
2. Why do you think some people might be against film regulation- because some people may not feel it is necessary to put a U on little things like the word bum coming up in the film, it also means that other children may become upset as they wouldn't be able to watch the film due to the age rating. But I think its because they dont feel many of the comments said children even pick up on so there is no need to put an age rating so high.

Narrative Theory
LO- to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to The Lego Movie 
How is the Lego Movie a postmodernist film?

The Lego Movie is a genre conventions because of the love interest between Lucy and Emet yet there is a sense of adventure to get to each other, and comedy, fantasy. It challenges typical character roles as Emet is a master builder yet he is just a regular person on a construction site, and how Wyldstyle is meant to be the hero yet she acts how Emet should be acting 

This happens because they always are imitating how people will believe anything because its on the TV which is what happens in society. Also presented in instructions. And how people will believe whatever they want to hear, it is also based on the Matrix

hyper reality is shown when there is a switch between real life and animation 
Equilibrium- when Emet is all ok and he is working at his job minding his own business, but he is under the power of Lord Business 

Disruption- Emet sees Wyldestyle and the instant romance starts, but he follows her as she wasn't allowed on the construction site suddenly Emet falls down too and the piece of resistant gets stuck on his back, as this happens they realise they have to escape and go through a wall to get to the Wild West

Recognition of disruption- Wyldstyle believes he is a master builder as he has got the POR, but in reality he is just like any other person, once she realises this she becomes angry as she knew that should have been her, after this they get chased again by the police as Lord Business wants the POR because he want things to stay in place and superglue people down

Attempt to Solve- to fix all of this Emet is welcomed to a place where all the master builders live and try to solve and think of a plan, after doing so there was a tracker on the Emet and the police come and raid them and put away all the master builders and put them into a cell, only a few escape

New Equilibrium- this is when Emet and his gang go to see Lord Business and they try to get Emet on to the krakle but fail, although Emet has a plan and jumps into a portal to the other side which is in real life, he does this as Blocks burg is trying to glue everyone together. When Emet arrives in the real life he sees how his friends are getting trapped so he is continuing to be played by the boy and arrives back safe and sound. Until the sister in real life makes new enemies to fight 
29th September 

Hero- Emett- because he was the 'special' in the movie and in the end sacrificed himself to help everyone at the end of the film 
Villain- Lord Business- because he was the one that was going to superglue the city down and true to capture Emett 
Doner- Vitruvius- Vitruvius helped Emett believe he was a master builder and to make him realise that being different is ok, and that being 'normal' is boring 
HelperWyldstyle/Master builders- this is because Wyldstyle helped Emett believe he was different and supported him in getting to the krakle and helping him to build without instructions 
Princess- Wyldstyle- she isn't like a princess but is the thing that Emett wants 
Dispatcher- the piece of resistance/Vitruvius- because without this there wouldn't be a movie and Vitruvius because he guided Emett towards the mission
Princesses Father- Vitruvius/Wyldstyle- because he is one that protected the special all this time, as did Wyldstyle
False Hero- Lord Business- because to the people in the city he was the hero and was giving them all they wanted, but we only know until the end- the point of view for the people in the world. Batman was the character that took all the credit form Emet

Vertical Integration

A system where one company owns their production, the distribution, the cinemas and streaming site, meaning all the profits go back to the company

Explain 2 benefits of this type of ownership for media companies?
it gets the company more profits, this is because all of their money that they would have spent of distribution, cinemas and streaming sites all goes back to them. This makes it more efficient and saves them money in the long run. The second reason is that it helps makes the production process more efficient as they are able to be more independant and they don't have to wait for the distribution to start as they own it it can just happen, meaning delays arn't needed making the the company more efficient.

6th October                             Target Audience 
lo- to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics

The movie targets a family audience made with these 3 groups:
  • Young kids that play with lego- bright colours, themes of creativity, slapstick humour 
  • Parents who played with it when they were young too- darker/adult humour, popular actors that are voiced, based on the matrix, message of the movie (everyone is special), DC heroes 
  • Young adult- adolescents cinema-goers- DC heroes, Harry Potter, Chris Pratt
Young kids that play with Lego
The movie appeals to this audience as the themes of the movie include creativity which is one thing children don't have to think about doing, it makes them realise all of the things that they can do if they believe they are special. It also includes the slapstick humour we may not laugh at but appears very funny towards a younger audience. There are also many bright colours like Unikitty, she would play a p[art as she is a fun colourful unicorn 
Parents that played with Lego or take there children to-
This audience is aimed at due to all of the popular actors like Will Feral which would appeal to the older audience. Even with the small comments like the price of coffee and how people believe anything they hear, would also be humour us to the parental audience. DC characters in the film appeal to people as they would have grown up watching their films which was also be a nice thing for parents to sir through 
Young adult cinema-goers 
For adolescence's there is also the characters like DC heroes and harry potter would appeal towards the younger generation. With actors like Chris Pratt it is also nice for teenagers to see as he is in many popular movies 

1.What are the building blocks of success?
As a product lego is for children, so the main audience was kids; however its the parents that go to see it with them and there is genius and joy that comes from the Lego Movie. The Lego Movie is a great adventure for kids and also pleasing and fun for the adults 

2.  What did lego do right 
They are able to create a genuinely funny and clever movie, the limit of the story is the limit of your imagination. The importance of making this story enjoyable for adults, they might buy children's toys for a number of young relations and friends' kids. The directors where also made for comedy movies

3. How has it laid the foundations for a future success
Disney's hand drawn classics have endured or acclaimed a lifetime or more of awareness created. It has been confirmed that there will be a sequel 

1.  How has it got heart?
It’s an informative piece of video, if it’s an analysis piece on a blog, it needs to analyse. And if it’s a film, it needs to make people feel. And to this end, with an emotive storyline that explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity. It appeals to people emotional side

2. How is it about 'you'
We are constantly questioning what category we fit into, and the Lego Movie makes us realise that we don't have to fit in we can stand out 

3. How does it show that it knows the audience?
The movie knows who they are talking too, as it bids to increase its standing among kids (the players), parents (the buyers) and other adults (the nostalgists). It has something for everyone 

Tent Pole production- is a film that is guaranteed to make a lot of money (because of its broad target audience, based on popular products) this allows the company to take more risks as they have the money for it 
The Lego Movie is a tent pole production because it is already a popular product that people still buy, and has a broad target audience.  
This is good for WB because the movie was a success and many people went to go and see it, and new items were created because of it. This meant that WB could take risks on smaller products as they would have had the money

Lego based films
  • The Lego Movie- 2014
  • The Lego Movie Batman 2017
  • The Lego Ninjago Movie
  • The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
  • Lego Movie 3 in in development 
13th October                                         Marketing
lo- to explore marketing and promotion of The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience 

Merchandise for the lego movie
  • 17 lego world sets
  • videogame
  • 16 mini collectable figures
  • range of school supplies
  • range of activity books/stickers 
Promotions for The Lego Movie
  1. Lego Movie happy meal toys- 3d cups- 7th of February 2014
  2. Sainsbury Lego cards
  3. Posters with main characters on them 
  4. Premiere in Los Angeles/London
  5. Each week in January 2014 they released a different character on a poster 
  6. LEGO stores around the country had linked events
  7. Free accessory pack in stores after building models 
  8. Video game was released on the 4th of February-2014- to get more teens to go and see the movie
  9. A website so fans could create a lego version of themselves 
  10. Facebook page to release clues 
  11. Twitter pages- post about the movie
  12. Lego movie fan of the week on their website 
  13. Website to encourage people to build random things which would have been put in the movie 
Horizontal integration would benefit the WB as they don't have to share profit for any the merchandise or games they uploaded for The Lego Movie. Because they wanted to make a game they received all profits as they owned the company, not only this but they owned the comic company meaning they could put their characters into the comic and not only receive full profit, they were able to put what ever they wanted in the comics. Fortunately they owned the television company again making all profits go back to WB, it mean that WB didn't have to share profits and could advertise their movie/promote their movie as they owned it. Making the profits more and in the long run made WB much more money, due to the success The Lego Movie was. 

In dancing on ice at 7:27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014- five days before the movie was launched- ITV broadcast a world first, an ad break made entirely out of LEGO
- 4 ads were- British Heart Foundation,, BT and Premier Inn
This helps advertise each other- it was a win win for both of Lego Movie and for the ads above 
At the same time they released it on YouTube meaning that others shared it onto other- and so on
The brands where also tweeting and tagging the movie 
 hashtag lego movie was trending around social media
Nearly  million people saw the break on live TV and 1.1 million people went to search for it on YouTube
The movie ended 2014 at No. 1 in the UK box office charts

The Lego Movie interrupted an boring ad break and made it their own- by making all the ads out of lego. While doing this they were able to acquire more attention and put the ad out on YouTube so more people shared and watched it on their. It was successful as hashtag LegoMovie was going around on twitter, meaning more people were waiting to go to see the movie. The movie end up at No. 1 in the K box office charts, which obviously meant that the advertising worked. Not only that but the movie was written about in over 60 different consumer and trade publications. This made The Lego Movie highly successful due to the clever advertising no one had ever seen before, again making it very different and a fun watch after the usually boring ad breaks, and making it appeal to some of the older generation as they would have been up at 7pm. Social media influence also played a big role because without it people wouldn't have been able to buzz about it, but due to them putting it on YouTube it was a hit. 
3rd November                        Trailer
lo- to evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience 

1. why did warns bro choose to have their logos made form Lego?
To promote the film and the company Lego

2. why would they want their logos shown BEFORE the trailer is played?
So that more people would watch it just because of the company its made by, making more people want to watch it just because it produced by WB

A trailer will never show a reinstatement of the equilibrium, due to the trailer promoting it enough just for you to go and watch it if more is discovered in a trailer there would be no point in seeing the movie as you would already know the ending

The Lego Movie:
Equilibrium- When President Business is on the TV promoting taco Tuesday, and Emet is ion his sofa 
Disruption-When PB says that is everyone doesn't do as they told they will be put to sleep
Recognition of the disruption- When Emet says wait did he say put to sleep
Attempt to solve disruption-When Vitruvius say that they is only one meaning that they have recognised that the special has been discovered and when, Lucy and Emet are going into a fit with the robot in the office, when the narrator says the world is in his tiny yellow hands

1. Why is the equilibrium and disruption shown so quickly?
Because the film is based around children meaning they need to promote the comedy and action in the film rather than boring things like the equilibrium. It makes sense to do this so fast because children have a short attention span meaning if the trailer wasn't interesting people would go and see the movie 

Diegetic- sound the characters would hear in the film world
Non- Diegetic- sound that only the audience can hear
Inter title- the text used between shots in a trailer
Colour Palette- the range of colours used in a media text

  1. Close up shots have been used to have an informal greeting of the main characters and see their personality for the first time, as people have been teased by WB they are going to want to know what the key people they need to look out for when the film comes out. It also shows how they can hear the actor put with the characters, also how wyldestyle looks emo and more like a relatable teenager
  2. Having different locations it makes the movie more interesting as children wouldn't get bored with the trailer as the kept on switching to other places it gives the audience a sense of film the movie is going to be 
  3. It tells us that they are the people to look up too basically meaning that they are main character and are the hero's of the story unlike PB who has tall shoes although his costume adds red meaning danger, yet the 3 are all in nice appealing colours representing them as the hero's and are the powerful characters in the play
  1. It only tell us the storyline of the special and shows a villain and a hero and it tells us that Emet is the hero that saves the world, also that its a comedy based
  2. Its shows how the movie is based as an action sound, making it more appealing for younger children which present the rivalry between PB and the 3 main characters. This incises the audience to go and the watch the film 
  3. Its used to add drama to the film, like its an action film, which presents the film as powerful and dramatic and builds up the pace which tells us that it will be an interesting film.
  1. Its makes us see how interesting the film is and increases as the cut becomes more interesting, due to the pace of the film
  2. This appeals to parents as they know they could take their children for a day out to the cinema, this is exactly what a parent would want if they wanted their children to be interested for a day
  3. The effect is that it shows that the really important scenes are slowed because they want the dramatic affect to be seem and to include particular significant parts of the trailer
  1. Because in your stero-typical adventure film and action films they are always escaping a world which appeals to people as they release that action films are about things always happening 
  2. The colour palette is very bright and colourful again appealing to the younger ages as the more bright and colourful the movie is the more interesting the film is, it also presents the film again reinforcing the action as the colours are bright and lively 
  3. We can tell about the overall message that everyone is special no matter what your job you are special in some sort of way. This helps again to reinforce the message of the story that children should hear and that everyone is special. Also that we need everyone in society to run properly
10th November                             Video Game
lo- to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using Use and Gratification theory

Exam Style Question 
Explain how The Lego Movie trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different audiences?
One element used in The Lego Movie to target different audiences is in the category of Mis-en-scene by using the colour palette, this is shown due to The Lego Movie being very bright and cheerful in their colour palette. This would appeal to the younger audience as they would want to watch something that is bright and cheerful unlike something with very dark and dull colours. By doing so, The Lego Movie has created an interest for the younger audience to watch the film. And will keep the younger audience entertained for the length of the film due to the colour dynamic The Lego Movie has deployed into the trailer to encourage an younger audience to see it. Being able to include bright colours connotes the fun in children's eyes, and by doing so it makes the trailer seem fun and appealing towards children which would then be persuasive towards children. A second element would be using by the movie using non-diegetic sound as a background to create atmosphere, as they have used very powerful dramatic music it has increased the audience range due to the genre. As the music is dramatic its shown that an audience interested in the action genre would want to watch the film, by doing so teenagers would be obliged to watch the film as many teenagers are interested in action and upbeat films such as The Lego Movie. Which will target the audience of teenagers, by doing so with the background sound involved with the trailer and actions of the characters, this shows how The Lego Movie has incorporated many audience targets into a trailer, which would persuade someone to watch the film 

Who is the game developer?
TT Fusions 

Who is the game publisher?
Warner Brothers interactive entertainment 

When was it release?
7 February 2014

What genre is the game?
Adventure-action, Adventure 

What platforms was it released for?
PS4, PS3, Android, Xbox 1,IOS, Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Will U, Xbox 360, Playstation Vita, Nintendo 3DS

What game modes does it have?
Multiple player, open world platform

Simultaneous Releases Benefits
Profit maximised- increased potential audiences
Familiarity- brand, plot and characters known
Extends pleasure of the film- chance to be part of the film world; can have extended narratives 
Cross-promotion- efficient use of marketing of both products to promote each other 

Uses and Gratifications 

P- personal identity: helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with

I- information: new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing

E- entertainment: offers distraction from the world

S- social interaction: we find things we can share and discuss with others 

People would use the lego movie game for entertainment, this would be due to many younger people playing the game to keep them entertained. It gives people a way to escape from the real world through a game, also it shows an element of social interaction as it is a multiplier game and includes playing with others, which again gives it a social platform as the game is corporative 

17th November                         Poster Campaign
lo- to explain the effectiveness of the campaign; to analyse the representations on the poster campaign

Denotation- what we literally see 
Connotation- what the image means to an audience/what it could suggest

This movies denotations 
  • a house with balloons on it 
  • an old man 
  • a younger child in the background
  • the sky is very loud in the picture
This movies connotations
  • the sky- it shows how it is promoting the main story of the film as the film is called up, the blueness can also suggest that the film involves some sadness as blue is usually associated with sadness which agin can suggest that the a theme within the film is sadness 
  • the younger child- could be suggesting that their is going to be some childish features within the film which could included that it is aimed towards children as a main target audience. It can also show that again that we all get old and this can juxtapose both of the main characters together as one is old and another is younger, which could suggest that life isn't going to wait for you to become happy, you have got to get their yourself and find happiness. Also the fact that we have a younger child in the film can suggest that the film is an adventure one this can be shown as a younger child would have to be interested in a film which suggests that the film is adventurous
  • the old man- this again could be a target audience but i could also suggest the themes of how short life actually is as its got a younger child and an older man. This could suggest that pixar were trying to get grandparents with their nieces and nephews to go and see the film, which mean that its main target audience is on the cover which is again promoting the audience to watch it. This can also suggest that life is about getting old and we are all bound to get older so we need to enjoy life while we still can
  • the house with balloons- the obvious one is that the film is called up which can suggest that its main background is going to be in the sky. It can also suggest by balloons as there are also so colourful which can again suggest the features of a childish movie for something silly to watch. The colour palette chosen to promote the balloons show that its the main image to draw your attention at which is going to be the image people are drawn to first which is basically promoting the film
Context: the contextual meaning surrounding the film can be seen as an adventure film, and the logo of pixar on the front cover can promote the company and persuade them to watch other movies from that company

Video game cover- The Lego Movie
Explain how the Lego Movie video game appeals to the target audience(7+)
This cover appeals to the audience due to Emet holding a spanner. As Emet is holding a spanner it would appeal to others that have bought lego games before as they know it involves building, which can also lead onto thinking that it is a game where to achieve the best you must become a master builder. Not only that but the way Emet is holding a spanner connotes towards building and fixing things which would connate to the idea of trying to be a master builder. The way that they have designed the cover by using the main character there, it gives a instant recognition tot the people that have watched it. This would mean that people that enjoyed the film would want to buy the game as they loved the film. But as the Lego Movie film wasn't released yet it can still be seen in the branded deals lego did with designing your own character and getting cup in a happy meal with characters on and including a secret picture of the characters each day which would give the audience some recognition of them before releasing the movie. By putting the main characters there it shows how people that want to buy the game would be excited to play as their favourite character. The colour palette used can also connotes that the game is bright and colourful which agin appeals top their target audience, as children love bright and colourful things to keep them entertained. Being able to include bright colours connotes fun in children's eyes, and by doing so it makes the game fun and appealing towards children as they want to play a game that will be fun and childish as that it whats is going to be appealing towards children .The way Wyldestyle is dressed can influence a wider target audience as her 'emo' look was relevant to many people at that time, so doing that not only increased their target audience but they made the game seem grown up in a sort of way that teenagers could play it too instead of it being shown as a little kids game for only the younger ages to play. We can also say that gender stero-types were brought into he design as builder are usually associated with boys as the shops are more prone to sell things such as diggers and truck aimed towards the male gender. But it goes both ways as again the colour pink is usually branded towards girls not boys yet their is the colour pink on the poster. This can suggest that they have aimed it at both genders when designing the poster as they have included things that both genders would like but not being to biased when releasing it to everyone 

24th November                            Genre- carried on

Hybrid- when a film mixes elements of different genres
Iconography- the visual elements, like props, that help to symbolise a particular genre
Intertextuality- when the one text references another

Explain how the lego movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to its target audience- 3 different areas - 10 marks


In the LM poster they have an image of a couple of superhero's such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Lantern. These kind of characters are going to relate to the audience, parents/adult in particular. As we know how many Batman movies there has been which relate to that certain audience, but not only that but Superman has been around since the late 1970s which brings a familiar nostalgia towards this certain audience. As Superman is also in the background of the poster it seems that they may have wanted more people to recognise him as he is familiar to many people. It is also shown in the character of Green Lantern as he also joined the comics in the 1940s which would again be appealing to the audience of an older age (parents/adult)

In the LM poster we see the certain aim in the audience was teenager. We can see this in the character of Wyldestyle, as many teenagers like the 'emo' look which is going to appeal to teenagers. It shows how Wyldestyle is in the front of the poster which would draw attention to her at first, which means that the fashion style chosen is going to be popular towards teens and again broadens that target audience. By making Wyldestyle as a main character onto the poster has really put the favour towards the marketing side of things as it would become clear that the film wasn't made just for children but is also inclusive towards teenagers.

In the LM poster it shows the flying robots in the background of the poster.  It presents the movie as fun and exciting, which is going to appeal to children. By putting robots in the background of the poster it makes children have to look at the explosion which would again connotations to the thoughts of adventure. As children love to be entertained this would appeal to them greatly as they would be more likely to sit through a movie if it is exciting. But it may be recognised by children that robots may mean danger, which again makes the movie interesting as a movie that includes a hero against a villain is the base for most children movies.

1st December                              DIRT Analysis

INITIAL RESERACH: excellent notes THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: try not to write that the colour palette would appeal because it is bright! Explain WHY!

Use the terms connotations/connotes 
Explain why certain elements of Media Language to the target audience 
Use punctation + grammar 
8th December                                   Representation 
lo- to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign 

1. Look at the representation of Wyldstyle in the main poster and her character poster
Supporting stereotypes- Wyldstyle has her hair in a pony tail, she is wearing pink, she still manages to have an hour glass figure and she is wearing lipstick which would always be associated to a certain gender which in this case is females 
Subvert stereotypes- Wyldstyle is wearing a tracksuit which is unusual for a woman because you would expect her to be wearing something like a dress, also having blue in her hair shows that blue can be associated towards females as well, she is running in the poster which presents her as ready for action even though she is a woman yet the main character is looking scared, she also has a angry face like she is ready to fight yet the main character is looking very sheepish and scared challenging stereotypes 
Her role helps bring in the wider audience as it promoting women as doing something that benefits the movie rather than just being someone to gain by a man. It also broadens the audience as she is going to appeal to teenagers because they can relate to what Wyldstyle is wearing 

2. how is she represented in the trailer?
Supports- she is seen as a prize for Emet and that is what he will be rewarded with after he is a hero
Challenges- she is the one fighting villains, she is the voice towards the cops, she is saving Emet, very active as she is running about, she is the one driving the car, she is building in the game not just male characters 
How is age presented in TLM
Age is presented through Vitruvius as we can see wrinkles under his eyes which is a stereotype directed towards the older ages. We can also see that he has white hair which would also connote to the elderly, and through this analyse we can tell that he isn't going to be a villain as many people wouldn't see an old as a villain rather a sweet person. We can see through Lord Business that he is of a younger age as he hasn't got wrinkles and is looking younger than Vitruvius, by making this connection we can figure out that he could be in the position of a villain due to his younger age. By looking at Wyldstyle we can see that she wouldn't be considered a villain from the public as she is a young person and is smiling towards her poster which suggests that she is going to be a helper rather than an villain. We can also tell from her freckles on her face that she is of a younger age than the other characters. By looking at Benny it his facial expressions could connotate to his age as he looks really silly which can be represented as a character that is bound to do good. By looking at Emet it can show how we would see him as a young characters as he has a very smooth face and doesn't have any wrinkles on his face  
5th January 2023                                 Put it all together
lo- to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively

type of media thats regulated in the UK:
Film(including trailers) - BBFC
TV& Radio -Ofcom
Advertising- ASA
Magazines& Newspapers- IPSO & Impress
Video games-  GRA Game Rating Authority 

The Exam
Promoting media is Section B of Paper 1
You'll be asked 4 questions worth 25 marks in total 
Can be asked about-
  • MEDIA LANGUAGE- the way promotional materials have been constructed
  • REPRESENTATION- how issues such as gender, age or ethnicity are represented
  • AUDIENCES- how audiences are targeted by the franchise different ways to respond to and interact with products
  • INDUSTRIES- how the franchise operates across different areas of the media industry and how they work together 
4 questions 2 short and 2 long answers 
The first 2 are general questions based on promotion techniques
Longer questions will ask you to discuss the Lego Movie as an exam
A good rule is am mark a minute 
Revise all key facts and definitions we have covered 
Think about how the company gained money in the questions 
Referring to media terminology will help pick up extra mark
19th January                             DIRT
lo- to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets
Question 6 1/1
I need to revise factual information that involve The Lego Movie and terminology 
Question 7 4/4
Something about the film industry and giving 2 reasons why someone would do this, revise benefits of industry process 
Question 8 5/10
Read the question again top link it towards the right thing, also explain how it was used in certain things in this case was the promotional products which i didn't link towards 
e.g. Explain how The Lego Movie promotional campaign targeted a range of audiences- TV advert, poster campaign, the video game, merchandise 
Mention at least 2 different products 
Question 9 7/10
Adding more stereotypical things and not stereotypical things such as the men in the film where construction workers, majority of characters are male on the poster 3/4 posters are male and the villain lord business is stereotypical
Question 8: Explain how The Lego Movie promotional campaign targeted a range of audiences 
The Lego Movie (TLM) targeted a range of audiences by using poster campaign as we see Wyldestyle in this campaign. this is targeted to a certain audience as she is seen as a cool character and would be every popular towards a audience of teenagers. This is done by mise-en-scene in the film as the way she dresses in all black would suggest how she would have an 'emo' look as thats what many people would associate black with in teenage years. By seeing this we can suggest teenagers would also like the way her hair has got colour in it blue and pink and usually girls would be fond of the colour pink so again this would be targeting an audience of the younger ages particularly teenagers. And by TLM doing this not only does it widen their target audience but it will make them a lot more money as many teenagers may feel a connection towards Wyldestyle's character. By teaming up with McDonalds TLM has targeted the children in this movie as many children like to go to McDonalds to get a happy meal and fortunately TLM put their characters on cups in the meals. By doing this is helps bring a childs attention towards the movie by using the cup and seeing how the movie has cool things in it as the cups where seen in 3d which would again help persuade a child to want to go and see the movie. By using merchandise for a happy meal they have broaden their audience to younger children as they would see the cool figures on their cups and then it would be clear that a child would have their attention grasped onto this one thing. We can also link this to the cards made in Sainsbury as children would receive these cards. Finally for the parents by releasing a new character on a poster each week would have been interesting for adults to see as one of the characters released in 2014 was a picture of Benny the astronaut, by doing this it brings a sense of nostalgia towards a adult as they would have remember ed this character. By doing this it would make a adult see the fun in movie as it would include a part of their childhood. They also would have seen Batman in the posters and this too would have been a part of their childhoods and would have remembered the characters. By doing this it has encourage adults to take their children to thins movie as they would also feel nostalgic watching it and others to go and watch just because it has Benny in the film. Not only that but they interrupted a boring ad break on ITV and made the ads British Heart Foundation, Premier Inn, BT and Confused.Com. By interrupting this ad break it has grasped the attention of a adult as they would have been watching TV and seen an interesting ad break, again persuading them to go and watch it.
5th December                                          Revision
do now
  1. film- BBFC british board of film classification
  2. TV & radio- Ofcom
  3. adversing- ASA
  4. magazines & newspaper- Impress or IPSO
  5. video game- VSC video standards council 
Lego movie Audience

Uses and Gratifications
Personal identity- relating to the character (link to the characters)
Information- learning something (get o know new characters and new worlds)
Entertainment- lots going on (action movie with lots of twists and action, attempt at humour is entertaining)
Social interaction- (talking about the film or watching it with others, the video game to play with others)

Film poster
action film- skyscrapers, mass explosion behind the characters, action happens in the city as there is more danger and more obstacles around
sci-fi film- there are flying robots in the sky
comedy film- he's in the middle meaning he's the main character but the other characters are serious but Emet's facial expression says differently 
iconography- police helicopters suggest the film, is action adventure as the police are involved in these kinds of films 
intertextuality- referring to another piece or different media product- Batman has already got films and series 
colour appeals to children as its bright and fun 

Character posters 
Will Ferrel and Morgan Freeman- parents
Chris Pratt- teenagers 
Female character wearing make up
serious characters are seen as boring as they are represented in business
of young people being up beat and fun
old people being seen as boring and dull
track suit seen as lazy
not intelligence dumb
reinforcing dumb boys 
construction uniform stereotypes men only working construction

Video game trailer
explosion to introduce us to the game
move into the city already 2 locations
buildings inter title is to become a master builder
upbeat music 
driving cars 
featured batman- intertextuality
90 characters to play as
changing setting and locations loads of new worlds to venture to
uni kitty feminine game
underwater scene
more explosions
humour still funny like the film
just dance something for everyone
shooting games can still do that
uni kitty everyone can play this game theres something for everyone
actor blown away by the game

lots of different shots to see lots of different settings
low angle shot to show that the characters are good and respectful
diegetic sound of Emet reinforces the genre to show that its a comedy
explosions shows that its action 
editing between shots very quick creating tension and excitement  
aimed at parents as they can watch it during the half term
colour palette of lots of red and yellow which can signify fire reinforcing the genre of action

ads had never been made out of lego
7pm during dancing on ice on ITV- family program
- British Heart Foundation
- Premier Inn
- BT
all interrupted with a short video of a main character- Batman interrupting increasing the audience as more people are familiar with him
after all of the ads you are shown the actual trailer
attracted audience the same way with the other
first time anyone has ever done this so it was more entertaining- sharing the video and uploaded it on YouTube when the ad was released 
ads wanted to be involved with lego because they are big companies and want to be associated with them
7th May                                            EXAM REVISION
do now:
film- BBFC
TV & radio- Ofcom
advertising- ASA
magazines & newspaper- IPSO
video games- VSC

SECTION B- 25 marks
Q6- fact
Q7- industry (vertical integration)
Q8- film advertising
Q9- analysis on representations

Target Audience-
Children, Teenagers, Parents (family)

Personal identity- everyone in the movie is different and that is celebrated rather than hiden which a lot of people can identity as 

Information- about the different lego worlds and characters

Entertainment- the film is an action and comedy which is made by escaping the real world
Social interaction- watching with friends or talking about the movie with others 

theory that we all watch something to feel one of these things 

Genre= action - sub genre- fantasy, comedy, sci-fy
visual elements of action
Fire explosion
Set in the city
Police and helicopters 
Super Hero's on the poster 

visual elements of sci-fy
Flying robots

Intertextuality- using existing media in other forms of media e.g. Batman, Superwomen, Green lantern

Media Language- 
Print Poster
  • Colour Palette- main one to talk about as it establishing the audience
  • Costume
  • Text- colour, size, font type 
  • Layout
Movie + Trailer
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Sound- non-diegetic, diegetic, ambient
  • Editing
  • Camera- movement, angle, shot type 
- range of character choices
-  editing make exploring different worlds 
- sound is up beat and exciting, mix of diegetic and non
- three children on the sofa 2 boys and 1 girl breaking representations 
- intertextuality shots showing already famous characters in the game

- suspenseful music
- humour reinforcing its comedy
- shows a narrative compared to the video game
- subverts male stereotypes as Emet is a main character but is scared and unprepared 
- fast pace editing and cuts makes the story more interesting and reinforces the genre of action
- at the end face book and video game is advertised (horizontal integration)
- establishing shots show lots of different settings and world keeping an audience intrigued

Question- use two elements of media language to target the audience
1) camerawork- shows establishing shots to show the setting and gives the audience information about the different worlds in the movie

2) editing used helps keep the audience intrigued about what will happen next but is still at a pace which the narrative can be still understood 

1. They changed four ads entirely into lego with the main characters interrupting each one and TLM trailer at the end of the ad break

2. it had never been done before and it was on a sunday night was lots of people were watching which was a family audience 

3 it had never been done before which made it a must se thing

4. all the ads were made into lego

5. it helped show people that there was a new movie and that was made by lego and helped promote the movie, the video game and the product itself

6. when it was released on YouTube it got millions of view which helped to boost the social media aspect of the film which was very affluential when the movie was released 

7. because it helped their business

Propps Theory
HeroEmmett- because he was the 'special' in the movie and in the end sacrificed himself to help everyone at the end of the film 

VillainLord Business- because he was the one that was going to superglue the city down and true to capture Emmett 

DonerVitruvius- Vitruvius helped Emmett believe he was a master builder and to make him realise that being different is ok, and that being 'normal' is boring 

HelperWyldstyle/Master builders- this is because Wyldstyle helped Emmett believe he was different and supported him in getting to the krakle and helping him to build without instructions 

PrincessWyldstyle- she isn't like a princess but is the thing that Emmett wants 

Dispatcherthe piece of resistance/Vitruvius- because without this there wouldn't be a movie and Vitruvius because he guided Emmett towards the mission

Princesses Father- Vitruvius/Wyldstyle- because he is one that protected the special all this time, as did Wyldstyle

False HeroLord Business- because to the people in the city he was the hero and was giving them all they wanted, but we only know until the end- the point of view for the people in the world. Batman was the character that took all the credit form Emet


  1. INITIAL RESERACH: excellent notes

    THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer

    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: try not to write that the colour palette would appeal because it is bright! Explain WHY!


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