Music Magazines

 13th March                       The Music Industry: Music Magazines 
lo- to explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation and revenue 

Conglomerate-A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.
A media company that owns its enterprises 

Globalised-develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.
Internation product/ business 

Diversify-Diversification is the process of a company or business expanding their market or audience by either producing a wider variety of products, expanding their reach etc. However for media companies, diversification may involve expanding themselves to different areas of the industry.
When a company goes from producing one thing to a variety of products 

Regulation-creates a media regulatory restriction plan that allows the government authorities to be able to block the content and those who want to be able to produce content, or be able to publish a website, have to obtain a license.
Blocking and monitering media to protect the audience 

Revenue-the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations.
The amount of income made by a company 

Circulation-  a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed.
A count of copies (magazine) that are published and distributed 

Who publishes them:

Whats on TV- Future PLC

Radio Times- Hubert Burda Media  - 461164 readership

TV Choice-  Bauer Media 

Take a Break- Bauer Media- 416695 readership

Good Housekeeping- Hearst Communications 

Glamour-  Advanced Publications (Conde Nast)

Inside Soap- Hearst Communications, Nat Mags 

How many magazines does Bauer own- over 600

What UK music magazine does it publish- MOJO

How have they diversified the MOJO brand- offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form.

What other types of media companies does Bauer own- It operates over 150 radio brands, including Absolute Radio, KISS, Hits Radio Network, Magic, RMF, and Mix Megapol.

Bauer Media Group is a diversified media conglomerate because ...It operates worldwide and owns more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations, as well as print shops, postal, distribution and marketing services

Which agencies regulate magazines and newspapers - Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) IMPRESS 

Which one has Bauer joined- 

Magazines receive revenue from which 4 sources- Advertising, Circulation, Sponsored Content and product placement, Events 

Why do you think there has been a dramatic fall in print magazines sales over the past 10 years- because technology has taken over and people don't have the money to buy magazines anymore instead they just subscribe online 

How are the print companies responding to the fall in print magazines sales and advertising- creating an online version of their printed paper that readers will have access to from any location, at all times of the day.

27th March                                    Music Genres

lo- to identify and and explain different music genres 

Genre = Type 

1) we can tell he plays county music shown in his clothing, this is because we see a belt buckle which can represent country, a cow boy hat and ripped jeans which can connote to country music 

2) we can tell the genre is rock seen in the leather jacket which is often associated with rock and punk rock, also we see very dark and black clothing and this colour is associated to rock and punk clothing, also the tarting clothing can also suggest rock. The age can also be a span of 30-50 as you can play rock which doesn't really go out of date

3) we cab tell they write pop music seen in the colourful clothing and the glittery makeup which can suggest dance and pop. Also there age is significant as it shows how they are between 20-30 as we know pop singers are usually younger and more fluent in todays society unlike a rock singer 

Types of Genre:

  • pop
  • dream pop
  • rock
  • punk
  • country
  • hip hop
  • dance
  • jazz
  • blues
  • funk
  • soul music
  • disco
  • reggae
  • bossa nova 
  • rap
Typically rock sounds more like-



Strong beats 


The themes they include are-


Romantic love

Social concerns 

The signers/band usually dress gothically and are very basic and dark/black, there range for singers aren't usually mattered as many rock artists are at any age 

Typically pop sounds like-


Catchy melody

The themes they include-

Usually wearing colourful clothing and very fluent clothing so more people are seeing how they are wearing youthful clothing and are at a young age so can be fluent with their audience 

Dream Pop-
Typically they sound like -




Slow beats 

Themes they sing about-




They usually look dress in casual clothing and very stress free clothing such as t shirts and jackets, this also represents in their music as they play very slow laid back beats 

DREAM POP- Dream pop is a subgenre of alternative rock and neo-psychedelia that emphasizes atmosphere and sonic texture as much as pop melody. Common characteristics include breathy vocals, dense productions, and effects such as reverb, echo, tremolo, and chorus.


Typically the star wears basic clothing and very relaxed which can relate to his target audience as dream pop target audience is 16-25 year olds as they are the ones that would listen to this kind of genre of music, they sound very calming and still, which are also slow beat and calming and they mostly sing about relationships and heartbreak.

Dream Pop stations

  • Now Wave Radio.
  • Bold and Brash // Spongebob Radio.
  • Bobo's Shack.
  • Best Net Radio - Warm and Soft Hits.
Moon Light on the River Lyrics-
I'd say, see you later, if I thought I'd see you later

And I'd tell you, that I loved you, if I did

It's so strange, deciding, how to feel about it

It's such strange emotion standing there beside it


I'm home, with moonlight on the river, saying my goodbyes

Home, there's moonlight on the river, everybody dies

[Verse 2]

I'd say, see you next time, if I thought there were a next time

Easy conversation, ain't exactly where we're at

It's so strange, deciding, how I feel about you

It ain't like I ain't used to going on without you


I'm home, with moonlight on the river, saying my goodbyes

I'm home, there's moonlight on the river, everybody dies

I'm home, with moonlight on the river, saying my goodbyes

I'm home, there's moonlight on the river, everybody dies

T2: can you analyse any of the lyrics and what they show about the genre 

I'd say, see you later, if I thought I'd see you later- this tells us that the genre can be based with a sub-genre of indie/pop, this can mean that the songs are either peaceful and calming, but sometimes uplifting 

24th April                                     Music Magazines

lo- to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 

Typography-the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader.- arrangement of letters

Layout-the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.-how things are arranged onto the page

Lexis-The specific language and vocabulary used to engage the audience.-words 

Colour palette- a range of colours.-the colour scheme

Mise-en-scene- the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film-props,costume,make-up 

Colour Palette- pink,gold
Main image main image mid long shot
typography- big fonts that cover the page, very visible
Lexis- slanted bright fonts that are blocky 
Layout- one big image but many surrounded the main character
Lots of references to popular song writers
MES- glittery dresses and your stereo typical girly make-up, flowers as props to make them appeal to teenagers


Colour Palette- red,black,white

Main image is usually long shot to include the band

Typography- all over the place with different fonts

Lexis- all around and very small

Layout- lots of things on a page 

Lots of references to rock and punk gothic

MES- very dark and black clothing and dark and black make-up, with some instruments as props 


Colour Palette- red,black, neon yellow (primary colours)

Main image is usually close up, mainly male image 

Typography- blocky fronts, not much information

Lexis- straight forward

Layout- one main image with lots of smaller images around the main image

Lots of references to tattoos, hats, brands

MES- very modern, dark clothing used mainly black, lots of jewellery such as rings and chains 

22nd May                              Genre & Target audience 
LO- to identify audiences for a variety of music magazines genres and link to genre codes 

-Genre of music preference 
Cover could appeal
-Colour palette
-Main image 

Demographics- look at the factual data

Psychographics- look at the lifestyle, behaviours and attitudes  

This cover is about rock as we can see how the main picture is of someone who is singing very passionately and very aggressive much like how rock is presented to be. This appeals to the male target audience as many people think that rock is for men and this would appeal to them, and it also meets the target audience as they are able to see the youthful features in this magazine this is because, the colour is very dark and black apart from the splash pf red. This again connotes to the rock genre many younger people tend to enjoy 


Many younger people would enjoy this because many people,e have the money to go see classical music, also many students tend to listen tot this music to revise which would explain that the audience is between 15-34. Men would like this because travel and education can be easier for men as there are more choices, men sing they make more money to go and spend their money on over priced singing. Using cursive writing helps attract the attention of the elderly as they like elegant and simple writing. It tells us it classical due to the violin and very classic, people, that play instruments would like this because they have lots of time to enjoy learning a instrument and have got no family or responsibilities 

26th June                               DIRT

lo- to review and reflect on the end of year exam and set personal targets

Film- BBFC
TV & Radio- Ofcom
Advertising- ASA
Magazines & Newspaper- IPSO & IMPRESS
Video Games-  VSC (Video Standards Council) 

Question 2-

Mise-en-scene- costume, setting, make-up

Camera- shot types, angles, movement

Editing- fade, dissolves, 

Sound- diegetic, dialogue, non-diegetic

The camera work in teenage dirt bag is recorded like its a movie, it gives the band a narrative and a story line compared to Avril in Sk8ter Boi. Avril's music video is recorded like a blog as the video is being record like someone is running around and isn't professional, unlike Wheatus who has recorded his music video like a trailer or a short movie. Where as Avril has recorded her music video with no narrative and is quite messy as it goes from all different shot types and different angles to make the video seem rebellious which fits the genre.

Question 3-

Targeting local audiences- geographical locations

How- different genres, music, prizes, games, days out, local information

Why- attracts a broad audience, makes more money via more listeners, commercial radio

Radio 1 Live Lounge

Public service broadcast, money from the TV licence, smaller listener audience 15-29, fits their remit

Radio programmes target different audiences because there are going to get more money, this is because the whole point is to get more people to listen and having a broader audience listeners. But also to get more people listening to their radio station. Radio 1 Live Lounge is a public service broadcast which means its for people and is funded by the TV licence. Unlike them Radio 1 don't want to make money they just want to attract their target audience which is 15-29 year olds. By having their set target audience it allows them to reach their remit, this is because they have to meet their remit otherwise it wouldn't be funded as it whole point is to attract their target audience of 15-29 year olds through their music and genre types which appeals to 15-29 year olds unlike commercial radios who's only point is to make their money. 

Question 6-


Question 7-

Make The Lego Movie brand bigger- helps get sequels

Expands your enjoyment of the film through the video game 

U & G 

P- personal identity

I- information

E- entertainment

S- social interaction 

Viewer can be associated with personal identity because the lego movie is so diverse with all the different characters everyone can relate to a character as it is so diverse. It means the target audience can be broader because it allows people to feel included when watching the movie and being able to relate to someone which feels comforting, making them want o buy merchandise. Its entertaining because it has explosions its a comedy, acton film and an adventure movie, also allowing the audience to feel entertained and like watching the movie.

10th July                           MOJO Audience

lo- explore & define the magazines target audience 

  1. genre- classic modern rock
  2. publisher- Bauer Media
  3. target audience- 20-45
  4. circulation- niche audience
  5. brand- popular, well-known, respected
  • the luxury brands have been the most successful magazines- VOGUE, Rolling Stones
  • huge online competition  
  • magazines have the print media such as- high quality photos, familiar conventions, sophisticated media language, high quality printing on glossy paper
  • Brands such as Vogue also attract advertising from high status brands, more high quality tone
  • MOJO has some aspects but only uses semi-glossy paper and lighter paper weight(cheaper to produce)
  • It retains enough quality to for it to be paid for print product, whereas cheaper weekly music magazines have switched to free print versions due to the competition and cost Luxury Brand
Does it cover musicians, established or both?
MOJO covers both

What do you get each month?
You get a definitive cover feature on an iconic act, a bespoke CD, their reviews section, 30+ pages of the best that months music both classic and contemporary, iconic photography and world class journalism

What are the and their readers passionate about?
MOJO is the brand for those obsessed with music, MOJO is the music expert which is for people who's lives revolve around music

MOJO have mainly pop and rock genres 

  • Weekly magazines target audience is aimed more at working class rather than middle class
  • Quality monthly magazines tend to target more middle class audience, the paid for magazines with the highest middle class readership are the monthly
  • Most popular and monthly magazines have predominantly female readership, magazines aimed at men have lower circulations
Class- equal share of middle class and working class readers
Gender- 4 times more likely to be read by men than women, but read by both genders
Age- about 65% are over 35, but a higher proportion of 15-34 year olds read it 

The MOJO Reader:
How they access music
Using Spotify, Amazon Music or YouTube, but also uses CDs and vinyl 80% of reader prefer CDs
Hobbies & Interests
He likes to go and see live music and a heavy gig goer, he likes to listen to a mix of old and new music but he loves to listen to music in general on his Cd player and in the car 
Type of job and family life 
He has a professional high disposable income, he has very few colleagues where he works, and his daughter is a lover of manufactured pop whereas his son has interests in bands such as the Artic Monkeys  
Open to different genres of music and likes a bit of new and older music, but is very passionate about buying CDs and vinyls and listening to music and sharing his musical find with his friends. An active and upbeat person as they like to go to festival 
Relationship to music
He was a child of the 70s, he missed out on punk but admires its confrontational spirt, which inspired his like for indie music such as The Smiths in his teenage years. As he entered his 20s he explored the most timeless enduring rock bands such as Bowie, and he continues to seek out the best in modern music and is thrilled when he hears new folk music and the latest African outpouring 
Why they like MOJO
He discovered The War on Drugs through MOJO which made him want to listen to more of them, so he like MOJO because it suggests new bands to him that he would like and he found a band he loved through the magazine 

MOJO uses & gratifications
P- personal identity
finding out about the artists
I- information
new information about the artists 
E- entertainment
music, reviews, interviews, CD
S- social interaction
talk about the CD with friends, making more friends by sharing the same liking of genre for music

Audience Activity & Interpretation
You can choose what you want to do so its more active to be reading a magazine 
The choice to buy is active because they don't have to buy from MOJO
Would only like certain covers as that isn't who MOJO target towards
They would like MOJO as it has older bands in the magazine and has older rock bands 

12th September   Music Industry: Q1 & Q2 

LO- to understand exam style questions and practice exam techniques  

P- personal identity  

I- information 

E- entertainment 

S- social interaction  


P- attracting a particular interest in rock and in teenagers using seeing the world teen on the magazine  

I- free cd and new songs 

E- free cd and Dave  

S- Dave saving his life and having conversations about the magazine  


  1. Ofcom  

  1. BBC 

  1. Radio that benefits the public  

  1. Convergence 

  1. Diversification  

  1. Conglomerate  


Radio 1 Live Lounge meets the requirements of their PSB as they target a certain target audience of 15–29-year-olds, by doing this they include music that would be attractive to that certain audience, and they invite guests onto the show who are newly emerging artists that would sing in a genre that would appeal to the certain target audience. By inviting newly emerging artists to the show they would perform live in the studio and sing in a certain genre that appeals to the target audience. Not only do they invite new artist, but they also invite artists like Stormzy this went well with the target audience, because his music is aimed for them to like which would entertain the listeners therefore meeting their remit  


Teenagers are represented as rebellious in Sk8ter Boi, and they are seen as rebels and criminals in the music video which goes with the gothic song that Avril wrote, she also uses the stenotype of rebellious teenagers to her advantage, and this makes her video like how adults perceive teenagers. However, Wheatus presented teenagers are very stereotypically as they are pt in certain groups at school such as jocks in the video and all the teenagers are separated into these different groups. 


19th September                           Music Industry: Q1 & Q2
lo- to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique
Do Now:
PIES- personal identity, information,entertainment, social interaction- the theory was that everyone looks for these things when they are on social media 
P- attracting certain music genres through the use of the cover lines, this is seen in the different bands they have talked about, attracts young teenagers as they listens to lana more than an older generation 
I- new unreleased song to listen to, an interview with the artist to learn more about their meaning behind their songs 
E- free cd
S- talking about the music with others or reading the interview about Lana 

Q2: Explain 2 ways that magazines attract their audience refer to your knowledge of MOJO magazine to help
Getting a free CD helps attract an audience because they are getting something for free with their magazine and everybody loves a freebie. Not only that but they always have a music star on their front cover as the main image, this then attracts more of an audience as everybody has a favourite artist and a favourite genre so by seeing their music artist on the cover they are more likely to want to pick up and buy the magazine if there is a popular artist on the cover.
Music Videos 
Teenage Dirtbag- 
  • linear narrative
  • american school- gym, hallways, stairs, curb side spaces, prom
  • school bully (jock), the nerd/loser, the female is the prize and the popular girl 
  • lighting was bright and was set in the school but then turned dim and dull the closer you got to the prom 
  • clothing very casual and 2000
Skater boy-
  • performance
  • urban area american city
  • very urban (sky scalers) abandoned building, more male than female friends and people in the music video
  • slightly gothic and very rebellious 
  • over saturated and bright like  a filter 
  • illegal behaviour standing on cars criminal damage
  • predominately white actors 
Q2: Explain one way that music videos use media language to duffer from one another, refer to one example of contrasting media language in 2 music videos you have studied to support your answer 
The media language in teenage dirtbag is very stereotypical we can see this in the characters they have chosen and in mise-en-scene we can look closer at their costumes. This is because in Teenage Dirtbag the costumes and very 2000s and it was very casual clothing which links to their stetting not only that but the clothing for certain charters where very stereotypical as the girl who is seen as the prize in in very tight and fitting cloths rather than the bully/jock is in a jacket like a athletic character. This is different in Skater Boy because the clothing Avril is in is very gothic looking and rebellious, as its all very dark colours and black which we associate with gothical costumes. She also uses her costume to link to her setting as its very dark and gothical costumes links to the setting she has chosen, it also links to her skater theme as the other costumes are baggy and dark which look like skater boys.
media language 
  • sound
  • editing
  • camera shots 
  • narrartive 
  • mise-en-scene
26th September                                    Q3
lo- to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques 
Do now
1.Who regulates radio- Ofcom
2. Who owns radio 1- BBC
3. Whats public service radio- radio that benefits the public
4. Merging of previously separate media forms in one entity- Convergence 
5. Diversification
6. Congealment

The BBC has to provide a wider range of content to make sure that it meets its remit, the remit says that its target audience is 15-29 year olds, has to support newly emerging artists. In the Live Lounge, they invited a newly emerging artist called RAY and this met the remit because she was a young uk artist. It meant that the target audience would want to listen to her as they include a miss of music and different genres that would be reach the correct target audience. Not only that but the use of young presenters using slang language would be entertaining for for the target audience and would also be in favour of of the audience, the use of 'innit' would appeal to the audience range as they probably use that language themselves. Inviting Stormy onto the set would have also appealed to the audience range as many young people tend to listen to his music more than someone who is from the older generation this would  mean that the BBC has once again met their remit and have benefited the public. The BBC meets the remit through their Live Lounge that is specifically for certain audiences, music and people. However unlike the BBC commercial radio such as Heart get there money from advertising and gaining a wide audience because the more people that listen the more money they will get, this means that they don't have a remit and their purpose is to make money. They hold competitions and phone calls and use a mix of old and new music to include all ta wider audience range to get more money. As they are funded by advertising if they don't make money then they will be shut down or sold, however if the BBC get their money from TV licence and if they don't meet their remit then the BBC will have a shake up and move around. This is because one benefits the public and other is in it for the money purposes. 
3rd October
Do  Now
1. What is Media Language- mise-en-scene, sound, editing, camera/layout, font, colour, image
2. What is Industry- the ownership and organisation of media
3. What is Audience- those who consume media text
4. What is Representation- how a person, place, thing is presented
5. What is context- the situation or what is going on at the time
Q3- Explain how and why music videos create representations that are different form one another, refer to one example of contrasting representations in 2 music videos you gave studied to support your answer 
Teenage Dirtbag video
  • Follows stereotypes of the guy getting the girl, the loser who is a nerd, the jocks that are the bullies, popular girl
  • teenagers as a whole are represented into different types of groups that are placed in popularity spaces
  • setting in a high school in  America
  • jock- wearing a jacket that makes him seem tuff the way they walk is to use the whole hallway up suggesting that they are leaders in the school, the camera looks up to this character suggesting that the audience should look up towards the jocks, seeming very confident
  • the girl is in a tight t shirt, she also hold onto the jock suggesting they are the people that are popular and the camera also looks up towards her as well as the jock, she is seen as prize to have by both of the boys in the story
  • the camera is showing how the loser is against the crowd again points out his social status
  • close up of him on the floor and the jock overpowers him with the camera moving upwards to him again gives his character a high status
  • the long shot of the slow motion of the jocks walking down the hallway the students all move out of there way and towards the side, as they have 3 jock with them compared to the loser.
  • the loser is wearing an unusual height and doesn't look them recognisable like he isn't part of a group, props of books in him hands but he is seem as geeky reading his book alone at break, the zooming out of the camera work always makes him seem utterly alone empathises his loneliness, shot reverse shot of him interacting in the corridor and people calling him a loser and signalling towards him 
  • close up on the girl suggests her popularity always smiling and happy, slow motions when she moves her hair
Skater Boy
  • set in an urban city in America 
  • Avril is presented as a leader to the group of skaters that follow her
  • Illegal activity being done by the teenagers in this video focus on the graffiti 
  • fast pace of editing and hand held camera empathises their reckless nature
  • Hand held camera work
  • a juxtaposition of the popular girl and rebels skater, we see how the girl that he was going to date him was the opposite of him
  • Avril is seen as a main character through the long shots of her being a leader towards the group
  • in the car she Avril is in the middle agin showing her power and respect from the other skaters 
  • Avril is stood on the car and there is a high angle on her and close ups which presents her as powerful as everyone is looking up to her but the close ups show how she is dominate of the camera 
  • By having the illegal concert shows how Avril is the leader as she has been able to get all of these people out to sing with her again making her a repeated character in the video

the character of the jock in teenage dirtbag is shown to be powerful and popular, this don't through multiple different shot types and the mise-en-scne through this representations. In the jocks costume we see him wearing a sporty jacket which in America only sporty and well known people would wear in school. We see through the long shot type that when he moves in the hallway people actively move out of his way to make sure he can get through, this is juxtaposed with the loser in the story as he fights amongst the crowd, this can hint to an audience who the popular person is in the video as we see them moving towards the sides of the hall to let someone in. Suggesting that the jock is well respected and dominate in the schools society, and that he may have a hight profile in the school

However in skater boy the representation of rebellious is used to its advantage through Avril, Avril too is shown as well-known and well respected. This is done through the shot type of a high long shot this is because it shows the vast amount of people that are physically looking up to her. This makes an audience recognise her popularity and importance ion that community. She also is deemed as powerful as she gets into a car full of boys and she is in the middle done through the low angle which shows her as the centre of attention and the person that is looked up to the most.

In Teenage Dirtbag we also see the amount of stereotypes shown and this is done through the loser, he is represented as different and a loner. This is done through the long shots used to show utterly alone he is, it empathises the vast amount of place and yet no one is around him. It also done through the shot type of high angle 
10th October                               Question 4
lo- to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representation 
Do Now:
1. mise-en-scne- props, make up, costume

2. editing- how shots are cut together

3. camera work- the way something is filmed 

4. sound- diegetic and non-diegetic sounds

5. narrative- the steps to a story that told through the image/film 
Diegetic what the actors hear
Non-diegetic what the audience hears 

Q4- Representation of the musicians 
How are they shown or presented 
The representations in the mojo magazine are that the musician is presented as a moody, classical well known rock star. We can suggest this due to the black and white medium close-up picture of the man, when we see things in black and white we usually link this to old movies the classics. Meaning we can link this musician to well known person as classical picture as usually well known due to the historical background that surrounds black and white pictures. 
We can also say that the man is moody due to the medium close-up this is because he is looking up and the cover lines reinforce this with the cover lines as they talk about how the musician was saved however he looks to be in a moody state of mind which is shown deeply in the camera work chosen, as these shots are used to empathises the expression on someones face. Therefore the musician is shown as moody and well known through the representations.

Q4 Analyse the representations of age or gender in the extract from MOJO magazine
The representations in the mojo magazine are that age is represented as older and serious. This is due to the main photo which is a mid shot which shows how the man has got wrinkles on his face which would present age as older. Seriousness is also shown in the magazine as we how the the musician has a very dull look on his face which can present him as serious and as someone older as they have authority over others compared to if a young teenager was on the magazine. We can also see through his outfit choice his age as many older people tend to dress smartly in blazers and shirrs compared to younger people who wear things that are trendy or fit them compared to tight shirts and blazers. Going back to the look on his face can again reinforce this seriousness that the musician holds as he stares right at the audience in order to assert his seriousness in the magazine. This is shown in the lexis of the noun murder due to the serious and dangerous connotes that comes with that noun which is agin shown with the age  
31st October                                 Q5
lo- to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation
Do Now:
  1. Shot Types- the camera shot that is used for the main image 
  2. Type Face- the design style of font for the magazine 
  3. Colour Palette- the colours used on a cover
  4. Lexis- words that are used in the text
  5. Masthead- the companies logo that goes on the front of a magazine 
Q5- 15 marks
      -need a conclusion
      -context- what is going on in the world at the time- gender, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism,           celebrity culture, consumerism

1. The layout of this magazine is very cluttered 
2. This suggests that there is lots to look at and is full of information and pictures for the audience to look at and to read. 
3. The colour palette is very saturated 
4. The colour palette connotes that the magazine is bright and interesting and there is lots to look at. Full of different colours to look at this makes the magazine more tempting for people to pick up as the saturated look is popular towards certain audiences 
1. The cover is very ordered
2. The layout connotes that the magazine is very structured and organised it also suggests that the audience is for more sophisticated who like classical music which is usually associated with older audiences. We see the formality in the layout in the use of the serif font which is usually formal and traditional
3. The colour palette is very muted 
4. The colours are very muted an quite plain this connotes that the audience is sophisticated who like ordered and basic magazines shown in its formality. The plain colours also look very traditional which very basic colours compared to bright saturated colours in the other magazine 

The text is mainly sans serif font. The choice of sans serif font suggests the bold nature of the magazine it also suggests a modern twist to the magazine with up to date style and therefore with up to date music for the audience. The colour palette in the main cover image is shown this reflects the realism that the magazine trying to promote in the music and the artist making them appear natural and realistic
7th November                                                   Q5
lo- explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation
Do Now:
  1. baby boomer- a person who was born following ww2
  2. diversification- varying products (radio to magazines
  3. audience address- how to the text speaks tot he audience, influences them
  4. discerning- having good judgment
  5. house style- companies preferred manner of presentation and layout of written materials
-15 marks, 15 minutes
- how far (completely agree, partially agree, completely disagree)
- give your opinion 
- context (life at the time, changes in gender roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism)
- improved attitudes towards context
  • shot type- medium shot
  • star- David Bowie
  • colour palette- white, purple, pink, yellow
  • masthead style- sans serif, white, shadow, bold, uppercase
  • main cover lines style- pink, white, black, sans serif, uppercase, big bold
  • minor cover lines- white, black, sans serif
  • puff- pink, white
  • placement of text- around the sides of the main image
  • genre codes- musical due to bright colours, free cd's
The colour palette is mainly pink, purple, white and yellow. These saturated colours suggest that the magazine is fun and exciting as bright colours attract a fun audience which connotes the inside, suggesting that the stories are as fun as the cover. We can suggest that the colour palette is used to help subvert stereotypes which is what the singerBowie strived for not caring about gender 'rules'. The colour pink often relate to femininity is usually associated towards females, but with the main image of the magazine being about a male singer it suggests that MOJO aren't afraid to use pink if your a man subverting stereotypes and attracting a female audience. The saturated pink attracts a female audience as stereotypically this colour is associated with females, the use of purple in the colour palette agin subverts stereotypes as there is a male singer on the cover it also attracts a broader target audience with male and female 

The muted colour palette that is used in this magazine can suggest that the audience for this magazine is for older people. This is because the muted colours don't attract younger audience as they look for colour and saturated magazines that look fun and exciting. Whereas this magazine has a very basic and  formal introduction compared to the other magazine, we also see basic colours that are very everyday and seem to be with very boring stereotypes such as boring jobs  
21st November                            Music Industry: Q5
lo- to explore the exam style question for Music magazine and Music video
do now:
  1. Genre codes- a sign of the type of music
  2. Intertextuality- reference to another media text (Lego movie and Batman)
  3. Typography- style of the font/size/letters
  4. Connotations- what objects are associated with (suggestive meaning)
  5. Lexis- words
  6. What are the contextual issues that might be reflected in magazines today?- gender equality,  multicultural, accepting of sexuality, consumerism (promoting buying things you don't need), technological focus, celebrity culture (kinds of things that would appear which is going on in the world right now)
How far is media language different 
Media Language-
  • Images
  • Text- font, colour, size
  • Cover lines
  • Colour palette
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Composition- layout
Conclusion & Introduction- 15 marks
Is media language different- Yes, No, Some is different and others are similar
Shot type- Mid shot- one person, female, young, revealing cloths, gloves, gold headset
Gold= wealth, powerful, pop royalty, goddess
Colour Palette- gold, black, yellow, white- saturated/warm/happy
Layout- ordered, 4 cover lines, formal, organised
Mast head- sans serif, lowercase, informal, relaxed, modern, clean, rule breaker
11 images- Main cover image is of a group- group, old, male, wearing suits, covered to their necks- non sexualised, powerful, formal but not serious, low angle shot making them look important showing power and importance
Colour palette- saturated, bright, multi coloured- psychedelic, fun , exciting
Layout- cluttered, 11 cover lines, fun, exciting, full of information
Masthead- sans serif in capitals almost shouting very young and bold, then script which shows classical, traditional, old

The media language in the two magazines are used different because of the generic conventions of the magazine and the audience appeal

This is shown in the colour palette used by the companies. In the billboard magazine the colour palette is very warm abut also quite saturated we see this in the repeated yellow that comes up, but also the gold that surrounds the artist in the image. This presents the magazine as happy as the repeated yellow on the cover lines bring a brightness into he magazine and can make the magazine look cheerful. But the gold being repeated and the colour black can suggest that the magazine is powerful as gold connotes to royalty. However in the MOJO magazine the colour palette is very saturated and multi coloured. This is significant tot he time the artist peaked in, but also tells a reader that their magazine is fun and exciting and full of things to read in due to the amount of different colours that are displayed on the cover. It also shows that the magazine is full of fun 

The shot types used in both magazines is very different as one is a mid shot and it present the artist as royalty almost as if she is the queen of pop this is because she has got a golden headband on suggesting that a crown. But the clothing she is wearing is very revelling and she is sexualised on the cover which can suggest that she is a well known artist as she is comfortable with that. However the MOJO magazine presents their main image as a low angle shot as the camera is looking up to them which can suggest their importance in the industry as many people are looking up to them even as your reading the magazine. Their clothing is very different as they are fully dressed in suits that cover their necks, this is very different to the other magazine as she is barely wearing anything compared to how much the other band is wearing. It can suggest they are classy but also informal as all their suits are brightly coloured as if they want to standout 

We can also see in their meatheads the different in media language as billboard is in sans serif but all lower capitals suggesting that its new and young and can come off as quite informal and relaxed. However MOJO does this but has a classical aspect for the masthead as it uses some serif font 

In conclusion the media language is similar in the masthead, but very different for colour palette, and shot types
28th November                                                 DIRT
21/11- Great start here. T: 3. Finish your analysis paragraph on masthead for your response from the notes we made.

We can also see in the use of of their billboard masthead is in sans serif font and a lower case text which can suggest is a young a new magazine that is focused on younger people as the font choice is seen as younger and more relaxed. We can also see the colour choice chosen by billboard is a very saturated colour which is yellow this can give a happy and positive mood to the colour. This can suggest informality and a relaxed and modern approach to the magazine almost as if the magazine is rule breaker and is subverting a classic and formal approach. However in MOJO they do use sans serif for their name which can suggest that the magazine is fun and exciting but the fact that MOJO is in capital letters then its almost as if they are shouting at you, this is again a very modern and new approach. Where as there is also a serif script underneath the masthead which can then link to a classic and formal touch, but this is then juxtaposed with the sans serif which is shown as young and modern but also has a classical touch as MOJO has been around for a while so it reflects that MOJO is a brand that knows what they are doing which present them almost like elders of the music magazine business. 

MOJO uses uppercase letter in the font of sans serif which can be seen as a new and modern approach, this is because the magazine can then be seen as a whole an informal magazine. The colour of white is quite a saturated look and can also be seen as a modern approach as many things now are explain basic colours. Even though there is a serif script in the masthead it then gives us a sense of classical approach and that the magazine is classy. It can also show an audience that MOJO is a very popular magazine and has been around for a while and people like them, but also as if they have been in the business for a long time.


  1. 27/3- Excellent research today. great work. T2: can you analyse any of the lyrics and what they show about the genre.

  2. 22/5- Great notes from the lesson T2: Try to link your analysis to the psychographic information as well as your demographic information about the audience. T3:

  3. 5/9/23- Please complete the work that you missed this lesson, see my blog for help.

  4. 10/10-Great start to your analysis. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  5. 21/11- Great start here. T: 3. Finish your analysis paragraph on masthead for your response from the notes we made.


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