
Showing posts from September, 2021

Theoretical Framework l4

 30 September  LO: to apply the theoretical framework to work media texts  What is the Theoretical Framework? 4 major concepts, or ideas, which form the basis of the subject content:  Media Language Media Institutions  Media Audiences  Media Representation  Media Language this covers term used, how texts are constructed and the message conveyed. It includes: Camerawork (Cinematography) Soundtrack Mise-en-scene  Editing  Camerawork- shot type, angle and movement  the full shot the extreme wide shot the wide also know as the long shot  the medium shot the medium close up shot the close up shot the extreme close up shot the establishing shot Soundtrack  includes ALL sound heard in a film/TV show  Music  Sound effects  Dialogue  Voiceover  Can be DIEGETIC or NON DIEGETIC  Mise-en-Scene includes everything that can be seen in the frame  Costumes  Props  Setting  Hair and Makeup Lighting  Actor positioning  Body language  and facial expression Editing  Includes all the POST PRODUCTION work o

Creating Meaning

  23rd September  LO: to analyse texts using the correct terminology  -Subject Position Our subject position is everything that goes to make up what we are and where we fit in the world  My subject position: student, im a geek for chickens magazine cover  1. I think she is being confident and body positive and helping other people to come out of their comfort shell, also i think that because she is such a popular singer people have respect for her and how AMAZING she dresses  2. e.g i dont think vogue should of hired such a big person, also why is she wearing such a tight fitted dress, i am surprised it actually fits her. HONESTLY! Denotation- the dictionary definition e.g a rose Connotation- the deeper meaning what we associate with the word e.g. love, passion, romance , death, duality. 1. Gun- danger,death,noise,murder,blood,cop 2. clown- danger,scary,bunny,colours,spooky 3. thor hammer- strong,violent,danger,weapon,powerful red cape- serious,danger,angry,scary,highly

media and me

Favourite: Film- deadpool/marvel TV shows- friends/superstores/the middle Music- slowed songs Games- Minecraft/ indie games/shooter Social media- youtube why did you choose to do media? I choose media because i was interested in the social impacts of the world and how it changes peoples perspective of films/books/and people in general, i was interested in the impacts of colours, fonts and pictures  is it what you thought?  Yes 

Lights Camera Action L1

20 september  LO: to explore the narrative structure of a film  disney films  gal dent -  hatted millimetre- a baby tuned thee- a nacho pots- whites won handstand fever we- cleared nill- aid land- an tzar- tarzan a bench deck to the fun oh mr a- legion think- Ratatouille director- Brad Bird  writer- Brad Bird producer- Brad Lewis production company-  Pixar, Walt Disney Pictures distribution company-  walt disney studios motion pictures  release date- 29 june 2007 main actors-  Patton Oswalt- Remy Lou Romano- Alfredo Brad Garrett- Auguste Janeane Garofalo- Colette Tatou Peter O'Toodle- Anoton Ego John Ratzenberger- Mustafa Narrative  at the begging there are a bunch of rats and they go into a house and have to escape down the drain but remy looses his family then remy goes to find algoustof and ends up in a restaurant and controls a human to cook meal, then the head chef comes into the restaurant and he loves the food that he makes therefore remy starts a restaurant that allows rats

what is media?

  16th September  LO: to discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives  different types of medias social media  newspaper posters magazines programs ( gossip shows) blogs emails youtube adverts  apps TV websites movies gaming purposes of media entertain social interaction facts ( newspapers) money!